
  起名网     2024-12-20   ♧  2  




- “病”字,因为与健康相反,不吉利。

- “死”字,与死亡相关,不吉利。

- “穷”字,意味着贫穷,不吉利。

- “傻”字,表示愚蠢,不吉利。

- “赖”字,表示品行不端,不吉利。


- “肥”字,与“赔”谐音,不吉利。

- “虎”字,与“苦”谐音,不吉利。

- “熊”字,与“凶”谐音,不吉利。



- 选择寓意美好的字,如“嘉”、“瑞”、“宇”、“祥”等。

- 选择读音悦耳、易于发音的字,如“明”、“亮”、“宇”、“晨”等。

- 选择笔画简单的字,便于书写和记忆,如“力”、“勇”、“强”、“志”等。


1. 李嘉诚(jiā chéng)嘉,美好;诚,诚实。

2. 张瑞宇(ruì yǔ)瑞,吉祥;宇,宇宙。

3. 刘明志(míng zhì)明,光明;志,志向。

4. 王子轩(zǐ xuān)子,孩子;轩,高远。

5. 陈宇轩(yǔ xuān)宇,宇宙;轩,高远。

6. 赵力宏(lì hóng)力,力量;宏,宏大。

7. 郭嘉瑞(jiā ruì)嘉,美好;瑞,吉祥。

8. 王思远(sī yuǎn)思,思考;远,远大。

9. 李晨阳(chén yáng)晨,早晨;阳,阳光。

10. 张宇翔(yǔ xiáng)宇,宇宙;翔,飞翔。


11. 刘志宇(zhì yǔ)

12. 李浩然(hào rán)

13. 王子豪(zǐ hào)

14. 张嘉熙(jiā xī)

15. 陈瑞宇(ruì yǔ)

16. 赵宇文(yǔ wén)

17. 郭子轩(zǐ xuān)

18. 李明宇(míng yǔ)

19. 王子瑜(zǐ yú)

20. 张晨曦(chén xī)

21. 刘宇轩(yǔ xuān)

22. 李瑞祥(ruì xiáng)

23. 王子瑜(zǐ yú)

24. 陈力宏(lì hóng)

25. 赵嘉瑞(jiā ruì)

26. 郭子豪(zǐ hào)

27. 李思远(sī yuǎn)

28. 王晨阳(chén yáng)

29. 张宇翔(yǔ xiáng)

30. 刘力明(lì míng)

31. 李志豪(zhì hào)

32. 王子文(zǐ wén)

33. 张瑞宇(ruì yǔ)

34. 陈宇文(yǔ wén)

35. 赵嘉熙(jiā xī)

36. 郭子轩(zǐ xuān)

37. 李明宇(míng yǔ)

38. 王子瑜(zǐ yú)

39. 张晨曦(chén xī)

40. 刘宇轩(yǔ xuān)

41. 李瑞祥(ruì xiáng)

42. 王子豪(zǐ hào)

43. 陈力宏(lì hóng)

44. 赵嘉瑞(jiā ruì)

45. 郭子豪(zǐ hào)

46. 李思远(sī yuǎn)

47. 王晨阳(chén yáng)

48. 张宇翔(yǔ xiáng)

49. 刘力明(lì míng)

50. 李志豪(zhì hào)

51. 王子文(zǐ wén)

52. 张瑞宇(ruì yǔ)

53. 陈宇文(yǔ wén)

54. 赵嘉熙(jiā xī)

55. 郭子轩(zǐ xuān)

56. 李明宇(míng yǔ)

57. 王子瑜(zǐ yú the samples.

Choosing a name for a boy is a blend of art and tradition. It's a chance to infuse a child with a sense of identity and fortune. However, there are certain taboos that one should be aware of to avoid bestowing an undesirable name. Let's delve into these naming taboos and offer some naming examples.

Avoiding Certain Characters

When naming a boy, certain characters are best avoided due to their negative connotations or associations:

- The character “病” (bìng), meaning illness, is not a lucky choice.

- “死” (sǐ), meaning death, is clearly unfavorable.

- “穷” (qióng), meaning poverty, is also to be avoided.

- “傻” (shǎ), indicating foolishness, is not a wise pick.

- “赖” (lài), suggesting dishonesty, is another no-go.

Additionally, characters that sound similar to unlucky words should also be sidestepped. For example:

- “肥” (féi), which rhymes with “赔” (péi), meaning loss.

- “虎” (hǔ), which rhymes with “苦” (kǔ), meaning bitter or hardship.

- “熊” (xióng), which rhymes with “凶” (xiōng), meaning fierce or unlucky.

Naming Suggestions

When it comes to naming a boy, consider the following tips:

- Opt for characters with positive meanings, such as “嘉” (jiā), “瑞” (ruì), “宇” (yǔ), and “祥” (xiáng).

- Choose characters that are pleasant to the ear and easy to pronounce, like “明” (míng), “亮” (liàng), “宇” (yǔ), and “晨” (chén).

- Select characters with simple strokes for ease of writing and remembering, such as “力” (lì), “勇” (yǒng), “强” (qiáng), and “志” (zhì).

Here are some naming examples for your consideration:

1. 李嘉诚 (Lǐ Jiāchéng): Jiā, meaning excellent; Chéng, sincerity.

2. 张瑞宇 (Zhāng Ruìyǔ): Ruì, auspicious; Yǔ, universe.

3. 刘明志 (Liú Míngzhì): Míng, bright; Zhì, aspiration.

4. 王子轩 (Wáng Zǐxuān): Zǐ, child; Xuān, high and distant.

5. 陈宇轩 (Chén Yǔxuān): Yǔ, universe; Xuān, high and distant.

6. 赵力宏 (Zhào Lìhóng): Lì, strength; Hóng, grand.

7. 郭嘉瑞 (Guō Jiāruì): Jiā, excellent; Ruì, auspicious.

8. 王思远 (Wáng Sīyuǎn): Sī, think; Yuǎn, far-reaching.

9. 李晨阳 (Lǐ Chényáng): Chén, morning; Yáng, sunlight.

More naming examples:

10. 刘志宇 (Liú Zhìyǔ)

11. 李浩然 (Lǐ Hàorán)

12. 王子豪 (Wáng Zǐhào)

13. 张嘉熙 (Zhāng Jiāxī)

14. 陈瑞宇 (Chén Ruìyǔ)

15. 赵宇文 (Zhào Yǔwén)

16. 郭子轩 (Guō Zǐxuān)

17. 李明宇 (Lǐ Míngyǔ)

18. 王子瑜 (Wáng Zǐyú)

19. 张晨曦 (Zhāng Chénxī)

20. 刘宇轩 (Liú Yǔxuān)

21. 李瑞祥 (Lǐ Ruìxiáng)

22. 王子豪 (Wáng Zǐhào)

23. 陈力宏 (Chén Lìhóng)

24. 赵嘉瑞 (Zhào Jiāruì)

25. 郭子豪 (Guō Zǐhào)

26. 李思远 (Lǐ Sīyuǎn)

27. 王晨阳 (Wáng Chényáng)

28. 张宇翔 (Zhāng Yǔxiáng)

29. 刘力明 (Liú Lìmíng)

30. 李志豪 (Lǐ Zhìhào)

31. 王子文 (Wáng Zǐwén)

32. 张瑞宇 (Zhāng Ruìyǔ)

33. 陈宇文 (Chén Yǔwén)

34. 赵嘉熙 (Zhào Jiāxī)

35. 郭子轩 (Guō Zǐxuān)

36. 李明宇 (Lǐ Míngyǔ)

37. 王子瑜 (Wáng Zǐyú)

38. 张晨曦 (Zhāng Chénxī)

39. 刘宇轩 (Liú Yǔxuān)

40. 李瑞祥 (Lǐ Ruìxiáng)

41. 王子豪 (Wáng Zǐhào)

42. 陈力宏 (Chén Lìhóng)

43. 赵嘉瑞 (Zhào Jiāruì)

44. 郭子豪 (Guō Zǐhào)

45. 李思远 (Lǐ Sīyuǎn)

46. 王晨阳 (Wáng Chényáng)

47. 张宇翔 (Zhāng Yǔxiáng)

48. 刘力明 (Liú Lìmíng)

49. 李志豪 (Lǐ Zhìhào)

50. 王子文 (Wáng Zǐwén)

51. 张瑞宇 (Zhāng Ruìyǔ)

52. 陈宇文 (Chén Yǔwén)

53. 赵嘉熙 (Zhào Jiāxī)

54. 郭子轩 (Guō Zǐxuān)

55. 李明宇 (Lǐ Míngyǔ)

56. 王子瑜 (Wáng Zǐyú)

57. 张晨曦 (Zhāng Chénxī)

58. 刘宇轩 (Liú Yǔxuān)

59. 李瑞祥 (Lǐ Ruìxiáng)

60. 王子豪 (Wáng Zǐhào)

These examples offer a variety of choices that are both auspicious and sonorous, providing a solid foundation for a child's name.

